Sunday 3 June 2012

Pervasive Developmental Disorders: diagnosis

Diagnosis of Pervasive Developmental Disorders 
DSM-1V requires clinicians to consider 5 specific deficit areas in considering a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder - communication, socialization, restricted interests, sensory integration and behaviour
DSM-1V requires at least 2 of the following symptoms to be present in considering a diagnosis of childhood schizophrenia - delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, disorganized behaviour, social withdrawal


  1. I find it interesting that 5 deficit areas need to be viewed for a look into diagnosing ASD (and so it should be), but only 2 sypmtoms can be present to view childhood schizophrenia in a child. For exmple, if a child exhibited disorganized behaviour and social withdrawal, would a doctor really think of childhood schizophrenia? It seems that more symptoms and deficits should be viewed when looking into childhood psychoses as these can mimic other disorders and be so difficult to diagnose.

  2. Great observation Krista. One important thing to consider when examining the possibility of childhood schizophrenia as an examination of the etiology of the disorder. Currently, investigators studying childhood schizophrenia are interested in the high frequency of prenatal and perinatal complications among infants who are later diagnosed as schizophrenic. For example, pregnancy and birth complications include toxemias, vaginal bleeding and maternal illness during pregnancy. In addition, today's neurological advances point to a finding that amongst children diagnosed with schizophrenia, there is a high incidence of neurological symptoms and the possibility of a genetic link.

    The information about the DSM-IV is just one piece of a very complex puzzle.

  3. I have been very surprised to find out that schizophrenia and ASD are so closely related that they are both under the same umbrella of Pervasive Developmental Disorder. I would like to find out more about the genetic link.
